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Arizona Field Ornithologists

Red-faced Warbler. Photo: Scott Olmstead.

AZFO is an organization of birders and ornithologists dedicated to increasing the knowledge of the changing status, identification, and distribution of Arizona's birdlife.

Greenlee County AZFO Expedition 

November 9-10, 2024




The purpose of this expedition is to visit current eBird hotspots with a low number of checklists.


We plan to camp at Upper and Lower Juan Miller Campground (No fee).

Why Greenlee County? Explore diverse habitats, with elevations ranging from 9,000 ft to 3,000 ft. We will explore from mid-elevation pine/conifer to riparian drainages filled with various oaks, Arizona Sycamore, and Manzanita-dominant mixed chaparral. Some expected species include Steller's and Mexican Jays, Acorn Woodpeckers, Hermit Thrush, Bridled Titmouse, White-breasted Nuthatch, Vermilion Flycatchers, and Verdins. This is a great time of year to find eastern vagrants and Mexican species, alongside commonly expected species. We hope to add more data to the county and see rare birds!

2024 Joint Annual Meeting with
The Western Bird Banding Association! 

September 26-29; Tucson, Arizona

Thank you for joining us as we shared our knowledge, experience, and passion for bird conservation in Arizona and beyond its borders at this year's Annual Meeting. 


Please take a moment to complete this short survey about your experience at this year's annual meeting, CLICK HERE.  Thank you! 



The 2025 AZFO Annual Meeting will be scheduled for the Southeast Greater Phoenix area in October! 

Please contact Chrissy at with a photo of the matching ticket. 

Gift Certificate - 657489

Calendar - 534087

Breeding Bird Atlas - 657479

Notes Cards - 657492

Amphibians and Reptiles of Arizona Book - 657646

Wine - 2603953

If you would like to share photos from the JAM. Please email photos to or ask for a Google folder link:

October's "Species of the Month" is the Short-tailed Hawk!


Short-tailed Hawk. Photo: Robert Bowker.

Read about the first AZ record of the Curlew Sandpiper!

Curlew Sandpiper. Photo: Pierre Deviche.

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